Colon hydrotherapy a.k.a. colonics, colonic irrigation, colon therapy…

is a safe, gentle  and effective method of removing waste and toxicity from the large intestine without the use of drugs. By introducing warm, filtered water into the colon, waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. This process is repeated a few times during the session and subsequent appointments may be recommended. Colonics are greatly beneficial for those who suffer from bloating and constipation and other digestive issues. Colon therapy encourages the digestive system to work more efficiently and effectively so you can get back to enjoying life and pooping regularly! 

Colon Hydrotherapy Pricing and Packages

First Visit (includes consultation) approximately 90 min appointment: $125

Single session: $115

3 pack: $299

5 pack: $499

Colonics Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: You don’t need to do anything special before your appointment, but it is advised to avoid heavy foods the day of and no food two hours before.

  • A: Many people will actually find the treatment to be relaxing with almost zero discomfort. As the colon fills and empties you may feel sensations of fullness and movement in the abdomen.

  • A: While it may feel a little strange as the tube is being inserted which may result in the urge to squeeze it out, this quickly passes. Occasionally the colon may contract during the treatment giving a cramping sensation but that is easily tolerated and passes as soon as the bowel empties again.

  • A: Not at all. Here at Wisdom Wellness and Colon Care, we use Clearwater Colon hydrotherapy equipment. Everything is completely sealed and contained and the waste is carried out through the sewer system leaving no smell and no mess!

  • A: It doesn’t have to be. Your therapy session will take place in privacy with a therapist who understands the sensitivity of the treatment. It is normal to be a little embarrassed and your therapist knows this and will do her best to make you feel at ease. Once The tube has been inserted you will remain covered for the duration of the treatment.

  • A: Everyone is different and Colonics may help some people more than others. We do not make any promises or claims for our treatments and the best way to find out if they will benefit you is to book a treatment and feel for yourself (after looking at the list of contraindications). But we can say that most people leave feeling amazing after receiving colon hydrotherapy!

  • A: Most people report feeling much lighter, cleaner, clearer and happier too! Immediately following treatment, generally speaking, you can carry on with your day as usual.

  • A: Most of the important bowel bacteria are present on the bowel walls and are not removed during colon hydrotherapy. Since these good bacteria breed best in a balanced environment, a colonic cleanse may actually improve their environment and increase their numbers. However if your therapist thinks that your bowel bacteria may be out of balance they may suggest a probiotic after your treatment.

  • A: The treatment takes about 45 minutes but allow for an hour. Your first treatment however, will take about 90 minutes so that the therapist can review your medical history with you before proceeding.

  • A: We use main supply drinking water which is then thoroughly filtered for your safety and warmed to just above body temperature for comfort.

  • A: Yes. We do however recommend avoiding foods that you know will upset or irritate your stomach as well as avoiding alcohol. If you need dietary advice your therapist can offer healthy eating options to help you maintain benefits that you’ve gained from your treatment.

  • A: This will depend on your reason for having a colonic in the first place. Speak with your therapist and discuss the treatment protocol that works best for your situation.

  • A: Yes, please refer to our list of contraindications


Cancer of the colon or G.I. tract

Acute abdominal pain

Recent history of G.I. or rectal bleeding

Congestive heart failure

Uncontrolled hypertension

History of seizures

Carcinoma of the rectum

Abdominal surgery within the last 12 weeks

Intestinal perforation

Abdominal hernia

Recent colon or rectal surgery


Recent heart attack

Vascular aneurysm

Renal insufficiency


Severe hemorrhoids


Fissures or fistulas

Pregnancy in the first and third trimester

Ulcerative colitis

Acute Crohn’s disease

Rectal or abdominal tumors