Infrared Sauna and Cold Plunge Benefits

There are many benefits of using both Infrared Sauna and Cold Plunge Therapy. By causing the body hormetic stress you are in turn making it more resilient and stronger. This can help improve your overall health and well-being. The Sauna we use here is the MPulse line from Sunlighten and it is a full spectrum sauna, meaning it has the far, the mid, and the near wavelengths of Infrared light. These penetrate to different depths into the body and can penetrate to the bone. This is effective in muscle recovery, reducing inflammation, brain health, sleep, blood pressure regulation, and many more benefits. This sauna is used in cancer centers for its detoxing capabilities and the ability to repair mitochondria and DNA. Our sauna also has chromotherapy AKA color and light therapy. Ancient cultures developed medical systems based on energetic principles of the universe and the somatic cellular body. The Sanskrit principle of Ayurveda describes the wheels of life or chakras as originating from subtle energy known as prana. This type of subtle energy can be modulated by electromagnetic field/visible light to stimulate the brain/nervous system, cellular tissues, and body organs. Visible light is emitted in the form of photons that are absorbed through the skin and the active receptors of the eyes. Once absorbed, proteins or photopigments are activated at specific wavelengths to produce chemical reactions in the body. These reactions can produce various therapeutic biochemical benefits depending on their wavelength. 

Exposing yourself to extreme cold for just 2 minutes a few times + a week can greatly impact your mental wellbeing, increase dopamine production, muscle recovery, inflammation, mental fortitude, resilience, stimulation of the immune system, and is more effective than a cup of coffee! Scared of the cold? Don’t be! Take a deep breath, then take the plunge! Feel what all the hype is about!

Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

Single Session - $40

Cold Plunge

Single Session - $18

The Mac Daddy Feel Good


Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna/Cold Plunge, 60 min massage, Colonic

Feel like a new person!